

Be it in the course of an organizational restructuring or an unfortunate succession plan, a sudden takeover or in the daily management communication: When disputes threaten to harden, the number of misunderstandings increases, the situation blocks action, isolation and demotivation become established - at the latest then one wants and must establish a constructive conflict culture. 


BJO DIALOGUE offers professional support in conflict management. We help to recognize where sources of conflict exist, accompany on the way to finding solutions, support with positive impulses, and point out methods of a healthy communication behaviour. 


We create a climate of discussion that is based on the necessary trust of those involved and strives for a common goal. Mediation facilitates communication between stakeholders and creates an atmosphere that allows constructive dialogue. 


Seminars & Workshops


We are not dependent on the subject as such when it comes to planning and conducting workshops and seminars. Content is the territory of the contracting authority. We support you in conveying, interpreting and defining the respective tasks, prepare the way to reach the goal and in doing so immerse naturally in the respective world of topics.


In close cooperation with you, BJO DIALOGUE develops a tailor-made concept and thus defines the direction. In addition to our experience, we bring a great deal of creative (lateral) thinking and cognitive sensitivity to this design process.


Finally, we are systemic facilitators in conducting seminars and workshops and act as the neutral body which is so important in these events. All in all - we provide a healthy external impact from which the group could benefit. We navigate through the day, do listen and motivate. This leaves a lot of room for you to get involved emotionally and to contribute with your topics and ideas.


Event Facilitation


In a group of experts, in a seminar or in a series of lectures: you can talk a lot, you can share knowledge. Meanwhile catching people with your say, informing and inspiring them is neither easy nor self-evident.


As host and organizer you know the cornerstones of a successful event: It lives from personalities, topics and an inspiring moderation. If these three components play in harmony, the listener will be grateful and informed, and also amused when reviewing the day or the hour.


BJO DIALOGUE is a professional partner for facilitation. We work out facts, demand opinions, let examples tell and emotions move.


Juggling with contributions, critically illuminating content, creating entertainment value - we see all this as our task in order to keep the audience enthusiastic in the long term.